Analisis dampak Perang Dagang Amerika Serikat-China terhadap Ekspor Karet Indonesia ke Amerika Serikat


  • Shelvira Mustika Sadikin Ilmu Ekonomi, Universitas Padjadjaran


Trade War, Rubber, GDP, Export, exchange rate


The trade war between the United States - China is quite a shock to the world economy, especially Indonesia as an exporter as well as an importer from the two countries. The rubber commodity, which is one of the leading commodities that always exports annually to the United States and China, has experienced a decline since 2018, where in that year the United States declared a war on the value of import tariffs for China. Thus, this research aims to show how the trade war can affect the value of Indonesian rubber exports to the United States as the largest rubber importer from Indonesia. In this study, it was found that the rubber price and GDP of the United States had a significant effect on the value of Indonesian rubber exports to the United States, while the exchange rate had a negative correlation, but did not significantly affect the value of Indonesian rubber exports to the United States.


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How to Cite

Sadikin, S. M. (2023). Analisis dampak Perang Dagang Amerika Serikat-China terhadap Ekspor Karet Indonesia ke Amerika Serikat. Educationist: Journal of Educational and Cultural Studies, 2(1), 315–325. Retrieved from