Peningkatan Laba Bisnis Bioplastik dengan Pemilihan Mesin Terbarukan: Studi Kasus pada Brand HeySooca


  • Nur Aisyah Nur Khadija Ekonomi Islam, Universitas Padjadjaran


Bioplastics, Renewable Machines, Business Profits


According to data from the Ministry of Environment and Forestry for 2021, plastic waste continues to increase to 11.6 million tons and ranks second after food waste. Other data from Mordor Intelligence, the use of plastic has increased since COVID-19, and there are 200,000 tons of waste that Indonesia produces every day—the type of plastic "packaging" with the most dominating extrusion process in the plastics industry. The government program on the use of single-use plastic has reduced waste by 15.03% but is still far from the target of a 30% reduction in waste and a 70% reduction in marine plastic waste by 2025. Single-use plastic is suppressed by imposing additional fees or purchasing shopping bags from buyers. Bioplastic business owners must find ways to continue producing bioplastics to help reduce plastic waste in Indonesia. Another obstacle in developing the bioplastic business is the selection of machines to help manufacture bioplastic products. One of the things that the bioplastics business can optimize is the selection of renewable machines for developing bioplastic products. Therefore, the research author on Increasing Profits in the Bioplastics Business (Case Study on Brand HeySooca). This study aims to determine the process of selecting renewable engines to increase business profits. The research method used is descriptive qualitative, using literature studies and direct observation of the HeySooca business being run. The study results show that selecting renewable machines can increase the profits of the HeySooca bioplastics business.


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How to Cite

Khadija, N. A. N. (2023). Peningkatan Laba Bisnis Bioplastik dengan Pemilihan Mesin Terbarukan: Studi Kasus pada Brand HeySooca. Educationist: Journal of Educational and Cultural Studies, 2(1), 367–373. Retrieved from