Analysis of Tokopedia X BTS Ad Violations: Time for Indonesia to Shop for 12th Birthday Treats on 17 August 2021


  • Adinda Chaerani Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik, Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta
  • Abdul Aziz Pamungkas Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik, Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta
  • Yurika Dita Pratiwi Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik, Universitas Muhammadiyah Jakarta


Advertising, Social Media, Advertising Ethics


Advertisements are usually distributed via television, radio, social media, magazines, and often appear on billboards on the street. One of the areas that are currently in great demand is e-business, competing companies use advertising services to promote their products and services. These ads are usually used as a way to make online transactions through the use of new technology. These transactions can be in the form of buying and selling advertisements for products or services through social media, such as Facebook, Twitter, Blogspot, website, Instagram, or other social media. One of the advertisements aired by television in 2021 yesterday was the Tokopedia x BTS advertisement; Indonesia Shopping Time! In December 2021. The joining of BTS as Brand Ambassadors is expected to increase Consumer interest in using Tokopedia more often as a shopping facility. The method used to analyze the article entitled "Analysis of Tokopedia X BTS Advertising Violations; Time for Indonesia's 12th Birthday Treat Shopping, on 17 August 2021” is a qualitative method. Tokopedia is an e-commerce in Indonesia that has a mission to achieve digital economic equality. Tokopedia has reached 99% of cities in Indonesia, 40+ digital products, 638 million products registered on the platform, and ±12 million registered sellers according to information on the Tokopedia website. Republic of Indonesia Law No. 8 of 1999 concerning consumer protection article 9 with the sound "business actors are prohibited from offering, promoting or advertising goods and services by promising to give gifts in the form of other goods or services for free with the intention of not giving them or giving them not as promised.”


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How to Cite

Chaerani, A., Aziz Pamungkas, A., & Dita Pratiwi, Y. (2023). Analysis of Tokopedia X BTS Ad Violations: Time for Indonesia to Shop for 12th Birthday Treats on 17 August 2021. Educationist: Journal of Educational and Cultural Studies, 1(3), 365–370. Retrieved from